Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Storm

Had a lovely winter storm go through beginning of this week. It was SOOOOOOO pretty outside. Definitely not something fun to drive around in. But I had to do it. While others were enjoying their Snow Day at work. I had to be at work. WHY? Because some people feel they need to have 24hour technical support for their Internet and have NO sympathy for the people that fought to get there to help them with their Internet troubles.

The boys and I did enjoy some snow time while we could, before it got too bad. The snow was so light and fluffy so we couldn't even make a snow ball. Jackson was so wore out he passed out on the chair in some awkward upside down position. Right when we got inside. Unfortunately I had to wake him because it was only 5:00pm.


Shortly after these pictures it slowly got worse. When awoke the next morning my van was burried in a snow drift. I am lucky and was able to take John's 4x4 Truck in to work. She handled those snow drifts like a pro. I had no issues at all getting into work. Makes this Mama want to get her own 4x4 vehicle. SHHHH don't tell John that.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


For those who don't pry into my life enough probably don't know I'm expecting #3 now. Yeah that's what we call "it".

ME and my Doctor have a difference of opinion when it comes to my Due date for this new little one. He seems to think I'm due July 11th and I feel I am due July 17th....we shall see Christmas Eve. I will have an ultrasound done at 8:30am on Christmas eve to check the lil guy out and get a good due date. Of course I had an earlier doctor's appointment but had to re-schedule because he felt it was a good time to go out of town. O well I guess I can wait another week. All though I have enough going on that day. On a good note I get to take in a DVD+RW to record the whole thing of the lil bean. I keep having these horrible dreams I am having TWINS. I think that's why I can't wait to see.....more for reassurance that it's not Twins. It may be too early to find out the sex depending on what the Due date ends up being. Soonest you can find out is 15 or 16 weeks. We are excited for whatever it may be but would be COMPLETELY happy with another boy. I am of course already showing. Already have had a few comments on the pooch. Part of me loves the pregnancy shape I am taking and the other feels it's too early. I am only 7weeks at most 8weeks. How will I look at 39weeks?! Only time will tell.

For all my fans (yeah right) I will try to BLOG more now that I have this new life growing inside of me.
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers